Sunday, March 20, 2005

sunday musings...

In pursuit of my new found determination to make sure that i keep this blog updated, Here I am...

In the morn of a lazy sunday, mug of coffe in hand i bang away at my key board. "Whatever for?", i hear myself ask. Is there anyone who actually will ever even read this?

Anyways.. I ahve got around to telling a few ppl that this place exists and i have been getting pretty interesting feedback on the blog. A friend of mine was really curious abt what had happ on the 12th of march? To be very honest, i'd forgotten. When i read read my posting of that 12 of march 2004, it hit me that the post was intense indeed. But what happpened on that day to make me post that post, I have no clue! :)

Then there was another person who came back and told me that the posts seems to be forced! That got me thinking. How can posts be "forced"? I mean it is not like ppl put a gun to a man's head and say "write". I look back at my own blog and think, i have been irregular. Why? Is this important to me at all?

I sit and i ponder, seeing the clouds in the coffee... There seems to be a larger issue here........ I used to write. Infact I was working on two books of my own. And then something happened. Somwehere down the line I stopped. I kept fooling ppl into believeing that i still wrote, and tht my works were still works in progress. But c'mon! Gimme a break! No one can have work in progress for nearly half a decade! That is just so unbelieveable!

To me writing is important. It is an important outlet for all that i think, feel, experience. I want to get back to writing and more. I want to restart a life and here i am.... This to me is important. It matters not who reads this, or wht they think. What matters is that I write!

However, you sending in ur comments / mails will really help motivate me. ;) Use the link to your right and send me a mail. Also any comments / tips on how i could improve this blog are most welcome!


Saturday, March 19, 2005

misc musings...


this is once again a post after ages. Life just seems to go on and on an on for ever, wihtout ever taking a break.. what i've also realised (as of last weekend) is that YOU have to take a break. And not expect life to take a break - pretty obvious, but when it hits you, it hits you.

Its like having the knowledge and then having an insight, two completely differnet things...

why is life like this? infact wht is life itself?.................... more this soon... think abt it...
